

Streamlining Energy Infrastructure Development: The Corridor Approach

Energy corridors could go a long way towards restoring Canada’s attractiveness for energy transportation projects, according to this study by the MEI. “Getting regulatory approval for energy transportation projects in Canada takes so long that investors are increasingly looking elsewhere,” explains Krystle Wittevrongel, co-author of the study.

Wing Heavy: The Fees That Undermine the Competitiveness of the Airline Sector

The high cost of domestic air travel is largely due to the various fees the federal government charges airlines and airports, according to this MEI study. “Ottawa prefers to treat our airports as cash cows, rather than the essential transportation infrastructure that they are,” explains Gabriel Giguère, public policy analyst and author of the study.

L’État contre les cavistes

Les cavistes contribuent à améliorer l’offre disponible pour le consommateur québécois, et doivent se plier aux règles qui entourent le monopole d’État sur l’importation des vins et spiritueux.

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