4-minute read
The road to affordability is built one home at a time
Instead of getting bogged down in ever-more complex regulations for developers and costly housing projects built by government, municipalities need to change tack.

4-minute read
La route de l’abordabilité se bâtit un logement à la fois
Plutôt que de s’enliser dans une réglementation toujours plus complexe pour les promoteurs et de coûteux projets de logements bâtis par l’État, les municipalités doivent réduire leur lourdeur bureaucratique.

5-minute read
Comment les municipalités contribuent au prix élevé du logement
Que ce soit avec leurs permis, leurs taxes ou leurs problèmes de planification, les villes rament trop souvent à contre-courant par rapport à ceux et celles qui veulent retrouver un certain niveau de prix abordable.

IEDM – Airbnb coupable pour le manque de logements? Pas si vite! – Gabriel Giguère
December 9, 2024 | 12 min. 53 sec. | Reg against le matin (BLVD 102.1) Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Senior […]

4-minute read
Airbnb et le manque de logements – Un mythe tenace et bien commode
Les politiciens ont trouvé en Airbnb le bouc émissaire parfait pour porter le blâme concernant le manque de logements.

Improving Housing Affordability in Quebec through Agricultural Zoning Reform
By making it easier to change the zoning of farmland, especially in Laval, we could build more and make housing more affordable for Quebec families, while giving our farmers more control over their land.

5-minute read
Mortgage renewals: the latest regulatory burden
A new interpretation of Quebec’s Notarial Act would almost double the cost of a mortgage transfer in the province, according to this MEI study. “With its new interpretation of the Act, the Chambre des notaires has monopolized the preparation of legal forms for mortgage transfers,” states Gabriel Giguère, senior policy analyst at the MEI and author of the study.

2-minute read
Quebec’s housing strategy: MEI welcomes a realistic plan, but which could have more bite to curb price increases
Montreal, August 22, 2024 – The Quebec Housing Strategy presented by Housing Minister France-Élaine Duranceau targets the correct issue by addressing the regulatory obstacles stifling the supply of housing, according to a researcher at the Montreal Economic Institute.

IEDM – Libérer des terres agricoles pour construire 70K logements? – Gabriel Giguère
Could the reform of agricultural zoning in the territory of Laval, covering an area equivalent to that of the city of Lévis, be one of the solutions to the housing crisis in the Montreal metropolitan area? Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Senior Policy Analyst at the MEI, broadcast on August 20, 2024 as part of the Ian & Frank podcast.

3-minute read
Capital gains: MEI corrects the record on omissions from a recent study by IRIS and the Centre for Future Work
Montreal, August 19th, 2024 – Contrary to the claims espoused in a recent joint publication from IRIS and the Centre for Future Work, middle-class Canadians are the main group impacted by the increase in the capital gains inclusion rate, according to a researcher from the Montreal Economic Institute.