

Protect the Caribou without Bankrupting Our Rural Regions

The federal government’s decree seeking to protect certain woodland caribou herds would result in the loss of at least 1,990 jobs in Quebec’s rural regions, according to this Viewpoint published by the MEI. “If the federal government goes ahead with its decree, it will cause the loss of a minimum of 1,990 jobs, and with no guarantee that the caribou will be saved,” warns Gabriel Giguère, senior public policy analyst at the MEI and author of the study.

The war on humans

In order to continue to progress, we will need to rediscover Enlightenment humanism, which fully recognizes the determining role of our species in fashioning its environment with a view to greater flourishing.

We need faster, fairer assessments of major energy projects

Any environmental assessment of a large energy project must be coupled with an assessment of its impact on: the national economy, job creation, investment opportunities across the country and on Canada’s reputation as an attractive destination for international investors.

Streamlining Energy Infrastructure Development: The Corridor Approach

Energy corridors could go a long way towards restoring Canada’s attractiveness for energy transportation projects, according to this study by the MEI. “Getting regulatory approval for energy transportation projects in Canada takes so long that investors are increasingly looking elsewhere,” explains Krystle Wittevrongel, co-author of the study.

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