4-minute read
L’augmentation de l’impôt sur le gain en capital va affecter négativement la classe moyenne et l’entrepreneuriat
Cette mesure fiscale ne va ultimement générer que peu ou pas de recettes additionnelles pour le Trésor public en plus de nuire à l’entreprenariat, à la croissance économique et au bien-être de nombreux gens de classe moyenne.
4-minute read
We need faster, fairer assessments of major energy projects
Any environmental assessment of a large energy project must be coupled with an assessment of its impact on: the national economy, job creation, investment opportunities across the country and on Canada’s reputation as an attractive destination for international investors.
4-minute read
First Nations mean business
First Nations people mean business – in both senses of the word. They are determined to get rid of the dependency and the paternalism.
4-minute read
Nos forêts sont très vertes, quoi qu’en disent les lobbys américains
Ce n’est ni la première ni la dernière fois qu’un lobby américain bien financé s’attaque à l’industrie du bois d’œuvre et de la foresterie canadienne.
4-minute read
Our forests are very green, whatever U.S. lobby groups say
It is neither the first nor the last time a well-heeled US lobby group attacks the Canadian softwood lumber and forestry sector.
5-minute read
Can we still trust media reports on environmental issues?
Recent coverage of the impact of the forestry sector on climate change raises a series of alarming questions as to the objectivity and reliability of some media outlets and journalists.
4-minute read
Forest critics lost in the woods on emissions
Canada’s managed forests are not net emitters of carbon but rather are a net carbon sink.
5-minute read
Alberta vs. Ottawa: A few words of advice from a friendly Quebecer
If Albertans and Quebecers work together to defend the proper constitutional division of powers, they will find that they have more in common than they think.
4-minute read
No need to choose between lower taxes, health care
Contrary to what many commentators have been claiming for years, the failings of the health system are not due to “chronic underfunding.”
5-minute read
De l’importance de la croissance économique
Opposer des baisses d’impôts (ou toute autre forme d’allègement fiscal) à une meilleure qualité des services publics est un faux dilemme. Nous pouvons nous « payer » les deux, et encore plus.