The MEI is an independent public policy think tank with offices in Montreal, Calgary, and Ottawa. Through its publications, media appearances, and free advisory services offered equally to all policy-makers, the MEI stimulates public policy debate and reforms based on established principles of market economics. It neither solicits nor accepts any government funding.
Why support think tanks?
Because they provide an essential link between the world of research, politicians, and the general public. Through their educational mission, think tanks help clarify public policy debates for elected officials, journalists, and citizens. Their regular participation in the public debate make them an essential institution in a democracy, hence the importance of following their work and of helping them play their role.
And why support the MEI?
Because we are the only think tank in French Canada that presents solutions and an analytical framework based on entrepreneurship, market mechanisms, and respect for individual freedom.
Making a tax-deductible donation is a great way to support the MEI’s mission of economic research and education!
Here are three ways to do so:
Online donations
Mailing a cheque
Payable to “Montreal Economic Institute”
(with “MEI Donation” written on it) to one of these addresses:>
Montreal Economic Institute
910 Peel Street, Suite 600, Montreal (Quebec) H3C 2H8 Canada
150 9th Avenue SW, Suite 2010, Calgary (Alberta) T2P 3H9 Canada
170 Laurier Avenue W, Suite 712/714, Ottawa (Ontario) K1P 5V5 Canada
Donating securities or shares
The MEI welcomes donations of securities or shares. Please download this form. Once complete, please contact Carole Fiset at 514-273-0969 (ext. 2232).
An official receipt for tax purposes will be sent to you as soon as possible.
Thank you!