Le ministère de la Forêt, de la Faune et des Parcs, dans Le Quotidien
Appelé à commenter la note économique de l’IEDM, le ministère de la Forêt, de la Faune et des Parcs, n’a relevé aucune faille au document, soutenant que « le ministère entend faire des annonces prochaines qui répondront à plusieurs éléments soulevés dans ce rapport », notamment avec l’annonce de la Stratégie nationale de production de bois, qui se fera sous peu.
Denis Lebel (Conservative MP for Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec)
Mr. Speaker, Canada is not in a recession. This is no time to borrow money that will have to be repaid indefinitely by our children and grandchildren.
I would like to once again quote the Montreal Economic Institute, which said, “The best way to stimulate growth is to remove obstacles for entrepreneurs and innovators by reducing taxes and the regulatory burden.”
Of course, we on this side of the House agree with that.
Can the Minister of Finance tell us what taxes he will raise in order to be able to balance the budget?
Carlos Leitao (Quebec's finance minister)
« J’appuie beaucoup vos commentaires, c’est un peu rafraîchissant. Nous avons entendu beaucoup de groupes. Votre opinion diffère de celles qu’on a entendues avant. Je dois vous dire que c’est beaucoup plus proche de ce que moi je pense. De ce côté-là, on finit en beauté, on dirait. »
Reacting to the MEI's submission regarding Bill 28, presented before the members of the Committee on Public Finance at the National Assembly. Quoted by Michel Pepin, Radio-Canada.
François Cardinal, La Presse
“Uber a réussi à rallier l’Institut économique de Montréal et… Steven Guilbeault, c’est dire.”
Nicolas Van Praet, National Post
"With a staff of nine full-time employees and an annual budget of less than $2-million, the MEI has hit a nerve in Quebec's collective conscience."
Mrs. Shelly Glover (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance, CPC)
(…) This is what Louis Fortin, a certified human resources professional and associate researcher at the Montreal Economic Institute, said about this bill:
This bill will allow unionized employees to have a better understanding of the way in which the money from their union dues is managed and spent. Even though they already have the right to ask their representatives for [financial statements], union members could have easier and anonymous access to this information thanks to this new law.
Jasmin Guénette, vice-president at the Montreal Economic Institute, has also added that Bill C-377 is “good news for Quebeckers, who are 94.6% in favour of the detailed disclosure of unions' financial information, according to a recent Nanos poll.”
Les Productions du Rapide-Blanc, Media Release
Produit sur plus de trois ans avec la participation d’une vingtaine d’experts en énergie, le documentaire Chercher le courant est solidement documenté auprès de sources réputées fiables comme Hydro-Québec, l’Agence de l’efficacité énergétique du Québec, […], l’Institut économique de Montréal, le Programme des Nations Unies sur la diversité biologique, l’Agence spatiale canadienne, Statistiques Canada, le Ministère ontarien de l’agriculture, de l’alimentation et des affaires rurales, et l’Atlas éolien du Canada.
Réjean Parent, president of the Centrale des syndicats du Québec (the third most important labour union in Quebec)
[…] the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) is able to disseminate its ideas by spreading its tentacles, as an octopus would do, in traditional media outlets and social networks, by multiplying the diverse platforms [in which it appears].
House of Commons Debates - Oral Questions
Hon. Michael Ignatieff (Leader of the Opposition, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, instead of offering to help Canadian families who are suffering and tightening their belts, the government is prepared to give a $6 billion gift to already-profitable corporations. How does the government explain its choices to hard-pressed Canadian families?
Right Hon. Stephen Harper (Prime Minister, CPC): Mr. Speaker, the reality is that corporate tax rates were set a long time ago. Now the Liberal Party is proposing to increase taxes for this country’s major employers. The vice-president of the Montreal Economic Institute said that one of the measures proposed by the official opposition, increasing taxes for major employers, will be disastrous for Canadian workers and the economic recovery. Read more…
Joseph Facal, former Parti Québécois minister, Le Journal de Montréal
Au Québec, pendant longtemps, seuls les gens d’affaires et quelques animateurs de radio tenaient un discours de droite, généralement dépourvu de subtilité. L’Institut économique de Montréal était la seule institution qui travaillait à lui donner une respectabilité intellectuelle.