
Video Interviews

MEI – Canada’s Health Care in Crisis – Krystle Wittevrongel

Canada’s vaunted health care system is in crisis. According to the “ourCare” national survey, more than 6.5 million people – that’s one in five Canadian adults – do not have access to a family doctor or a nurse practitioner that they can see for regular care. Interview with Krystle Wittevrongel, Director of Research at the MEI, published on Conversations That Matter on September 20, 2024.

IEDM – La télémédecine en péril! – Gabriel Giguère

Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Senior Policy Analyst at the MEI, on Ottawa’s decision to mandate provincial coverage of telemedicine care, and how it risks hampering access to one of the few aspects of our health care system that works well. Broadcast on July 15, 2024 as part of the Pierre Nantel show, on QUB Radio.

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