IEDM – PUM 2050: un plan de logement «moins ambitieux» que la réalité – Gabriel Giguère
Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Senior Policy Analyst at the MEI, about the new housing unit construction targets in the City of Montreal’s 2050 Land Use and Mobility Plan which are lower than the results of recent years. Broadcast on July 8, 2024 as part of the Pierre Nantel show, on QUB Radio.

IEDM – Montréal s’en va dans le mur avec le logement! – Gabriel Giguère
Mayor Plante’s plan to build 200,000 housing units by 2050… promises to build about 70,000 fewer housing units than the trend of the last five years! Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Senior Policy Analyst at the MEI, broadcast on July 3, 2024 as part of the Ian & Frank podcast.

IEDM – Santé Québec et l’avenir du système de santé au Québec – Emmanuelle B. Faubert
Are Santé Québec and the appointment of its management “Top Gun” the solution to the ills of our public health system? What proportion should be given to the private sector in health management in Quebec? What are the alternatives, innovations, and new ways of doing things that could be adopted in the healthcare sector? Are Mini-hospitals, an unfulfilled promise? Interview (in French) with Emmanuelle B. Faubert, Economist at the MEI, broadcast on June 18, 2024 as part of the podcast Idées en évolution.

IEDM – Peut-on réformer l’État québécois? – Gabriel Giguère
Is the state obese? Are there too many civil servants? Is the solution to the problems of our health and education systems to always inject more public funds? Can and should the welfare state be reformed? Should we subsidize foreign companies with public funds? As part of the tabling of the provincial budget, interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Senior Policy Analyst at the MEI, broadcast on June 13, 2024 as part of the podcast Idées en évolution.

IEDM – Déficit de 40 milliards $: «La TPS paie à peine les intérêts de la dette» – Gabriel Giguère
Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Public Policy Analyst at the MEI, about the Trudeau government 2024-2025 budget. Broadcast on April 17, 2024 as part of the Ian & Frank podcast.

MEI – Ballooning Public Service – Renaud Brossard
Interview with Renaud Brossard, Vice President, Communications at the MEI, about a recent MEI report ranking the five major prime ministers who have held power since 1984 based on the variation in the number of federal public servants per 1,000 inhabitants during their mandates and why a rapidly expanding civil service is a cause for concern. Published on Conversation That Matters on March 22, 2024.

IEDM – BUDGET: La magie de la CAQ ne marche plus – Renaud Brossard
Interview (in French) with Renaud Brossard, Vice President, Communications at the MEI, about the Legault government 2024-2025 budget. Broadcast on March 13, 2024 as part of the Ian & Frank podcast.

IEDM – Il faut reprendre le contrôle de la bureaucratie fédérale – Gabriel Giguère
Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Public Policy Analyst at the MEI, about the federal public service and the fact Justin Trudeau […]

IEDM – Des petits hôpitaux privés de bloc opératoire, pourquoi? – Renaud Brossard
Interview (ni French) with Renaud Brossard, Vice President, Communications at the MEI, about the Quebec government’s independent mini-hospitals project. Broadcast on February […]

IEDM – Vers une privatisation tranquille d’Hydro-Québec? – Gabriel Giguère
Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Public Policy Analyst at the MEI, about the bill Quebec wants to table to legalize the sale of electricity from one private company to another. Broadcast on January 19, 2024 on the LCN TV network.