2-minute read
Opinion: Privé ou public? Et pourquoi pas les deux!
Open letter to NDP’s leader Alexa McDonough on the benefits of a private and complementary health care system.

7-minute read
Tuer la prospérité dans l’oeuf: les effets de la taxe sur les gains en capital
The effect of capital gains taxes.

6-minute read
Nipping wealth in the bud: The effect of capital gains taxes
The effect of capital gains taxes.

2-minute read
Sommet de la jeunesse – Quelques faits incontournables à garder en mémoire
MEI study on the rate of unemployment and the salaries of the youth in Quebec in comparison to the youth of Ontario and the United States.

4-minute read
A Capital Idea: Study shows cutting capital-gains taxes would increase government revenues
The harmful effects of the capital gains tax.

4-minute read
L’impôt proportionnel: Une option à envisager sérieusement
The Flat Tax and the Alberta model.

3-minute read
The Flat Tax: It’s actually a prescription for enhanced productivity
The Flat Tax and the Alberta model.

4-minute read
Lorsque le gouvernement limite la liberté de choix des épargnants
The consequences of limiting the ownership of foreign stock in RRSPs.

3-minute read
Hobbling investment: The 20% foreign content rule for RRSPs should be abolished
The consequences of limiting the ownership of foreign stock in RRSPs.
4-minute read
Vers un fédéralisme parallèle?
Reforming Federalism – World Federalism.