IEDM – Faciliter le dézonage agricole pour contrer la crise du logement – Gabriel Giguère
Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Senior Policy Analyst at the MEI, about the rezoning of agricultural land in Laval that would allow construction of at least 70,000 homes. Broadcast on August 15, 2024, as part of QUB Radio’s Francis Gosselin show.

IEDM – Faciliter le dézonage agricole pour contrer la crise du logement – Gabriel Giguère
August 15, 2024 | 9 min. 30 sec. | Francis Gosselin (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Senior Policy Analyst […]

IEDM – La question est de se demander comment on construit plus – Gabriel Giguère
August 15, 2024 | 13 min. 07 sec. | La commission (98,5 FM) Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Senior Policy Analyst […]

5-minute read
Agricultural Zoning Reform Would Improve Housing Affordability in Quebec
Reforming agricultural zoning to ease a transition toward residential zoning would help to make housing affordable again, according to this MEI study. “The fact is that there is a lot of land in our cities that could support households if zoning allowed,” says Gabriel Giguère, senior policy analyst at the MEI and author of the study.

IEDM – Logement: la réglementation de l’administration Plante est plus problématique qu’Airbnb – Gabriel Giguère
August 8, 2024 | 10 min. 17 sec. | Francis Gosselin (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Senior Policy Analyst at […]

MEI – Housing affordability in the city has been destroyed by excessive regulations – Vincent Geloso
July 12, 2024 | 7 min. 32 sec. | The Elias Makos Show (CJAD AM) Interview with Vincent Geloso, Senior Economist at […]

4-minute read
How Regulation Made Montreal Unaffordable
The regulatory burden is preventing the housing supply from adjusting itself, contributing to the rapid increase in housing prices seen in Montreal, points out this study published by the MEI. “The more regulation there is, the longer it takes and the more it costs to build new units, thus making housing more expensive and harder to find,” says Vincent Geloso, senior economist at the MEI and author of the study.

5-minute read
Valérie Plante nous promet moins de logements
Plutôt que d’adopter un plan pour construire moins de logements et tenter de remplacer le marché, l’administration Plante doit cesser de mettre des bâtons dans les roues des promoteurs si on veut réellement un toit pour tous.

IEDM – PUM 2050: un plan de logement «moins ambitieux» que la réalité – Gabriel Giguère
July 8, 2024 | 14 min. 23 sec. | Pierre Nantel (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Senior Policy Analyst […]

IEDM – PUM 2050: un plan de logement «moins ambitieux» que la réalité – Gabriel Giguère
Interview (in French) with Gabriel Giguère, Senior Policy Analyst at the MEI, about the new housing unit construction targets in the City of Montreal’s 2050 Land Use and Mobility Plan which are lower than the results of recent years. Broadcast on July 8, 2024 as part of the Pierre Nantel show, on QUB Radio.