24-minute read
Questions et réponses sur la crise financière(1)
Op-ed published exclusively on the Montreal Economic Institute's website.

3-minute read
Pompier ou pyromane?
The State of the Union address.

3-minute read
Éteindre l’étincelle
Steve Jobs resigns as Apple CEO.

4-minute read
Quelques faits élémentaires à retenir dans le débat entourant la crise des finances publiques américaines
Translation of a column published exclusively on the Montreal Economic Institute's website.

4-minute read
Three U.S. Debt Crisis Myths
The debate surrounding the US debt crisis.

3-minute read
Le déni du président
The economic situation in the United States.

1-minute read
Viewpoint on the increase of the U.S. debt ceiling
The deal adopted by the U.S. Congress and signed by President Obama on August 2, 2011 will see the federal debt ceiling in the United States raised by at least $2.1 trillion from its current limit of $14.3 trillion. The agreement has been criticized by a number of commentators, who believe that it represents a “capitulation” to “extremists” who insist on balancing the budget without raising the fiscal burden. Yet an analysis of the agreement shows that even if all the cuts contained in it were indeed enacted, they would not prevent the U.S. federal debt from continuing to grow.

4-minute read
A (Friendly) Memo to a Greek Protester
The debt situation in Greece.

5-minute read
Dette américaine: quelques considérations économiques négligées
The debate on the increase of the debt ceiling in the United States.

3-minute read
Quebec needs to rein in its debt
The size of the provincial debt.