1-minute read
Le Point de l’IEDM sur les excédents budgétaires fédéraux
Le ministre canadien des Finances Ralph Goodale annonçait la semaine dernière que l’excédent budgétaire fédéral pour 2004-2005, que le gouvernement prévoyait être de 4 milliards de dollars, atteindra 9 milliards, soit le même montant que l’année précédente. Le ministre prévoit affecter une partie de ce montant au remboursement de la dette et le reste à de nouvelles dépenses, comme le réclament de nombreux groupes de pression. L’IEDM rappelle pour sa part qu’une baisse des impôts comporterait des avantages beaucoup plus significatifs pour l’économie canadienne.
5-minute read
Pour un régime fiscal plus équitable et efficace
Publication of the Economic Note entitled Why a flat tax would be fairer and more efficient.
4-minute read
Il faut aller de l’avant avec la baisse des impôts
Should Jean Charest forget about his engagement to lower the taxes of all Quebecers?
1-minute read
Why a flat tax would be fairer and more efficient
A widespread myth holds that our personal income tax system with its progressive marginal rates is meant to embody values of fairness, justice and "social solidarity." Supporters of this system argue that tax rates should rise with income as a way of creating a more even "level of sacrifice" among citizens. It is possible, however, to show solidarity in taxation without relying on progressive rates. Social solidarity can also be financed through a flat rate tax system in which, lest we forget, higher-income individuals would continue to pay more in taxes in absolute terms.
1-minute read
Opinion of Quebeckers on a Flat Tax Rate for Individuals
Léger Marketing poll commissioned by the Montreal Economic Institute.
1-minute read
Opinions of Canadians on the Impact of Injecting New Public Funds in the Health Care Sector on Waiting Lists
Léger Marketing poll commissioned by the Montreal Economic Institute.
3-minute read
Le piège de la pauvreté
The current taxation system and its harmful effect on the incentive to work.
7-minute read
«Faire payer les riches» est inefficace – La politique fiscale québécoise consistant à «faire payer les riches» n’aboutit qu’à augmenter le fardeau de la classe moyenne
The positive economic impact of a reduction in personal income tax.
3-minute read
Les impôts et l’économie
The positive economic impact of a reduction in personal income tax.
5-minute read
Soaking ‘les riches’
Publication of a Research Paper on the expected economic impact of a reduction in personal income tax.