
Social Services

On health care, local decisions lead to better outcomes

By creating a number of smaller regional units, as opposed to a large conglomerated administrative structure, ideas for small changes are more easily applied and can potentially generate interest and awareness higher up the ladder.

The Nurse Shortage in Quebec: Improving Flexibility and Working Conditions

Quebec needs to improve flexibility and working conditions to keep young nurses in the profession, according to this study published by the MEI. “For every 100 nurses we train, 44 will leave the profession before their 35th birthday,” explains Emmanuelle B. Faubert, economist at the MEI and author of the publication.

Health Care in Canada 2023

Our health care system is costly and inefficient, with long waits and backlogs. Mixed models like France’s and Sweden’s, which integrate private facilities within a universal system, deliver better outcomes and would allow more Quebecers to be treated faster.

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