IEDM – Le Québec aura besoin de 44 000 médecins en 2028 – Daniel Dufort
June 29, 2023 | 9 min. 07 sec. | Alexandre Dubé (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Daniel Dufort, President and CEO […]

4-minute read
Il faut aller de l’avant avec les mini-hôpitaux
La promesse de deux premiers mini-hôpitaux, gérés par des entrepreneurs indépendants, mais accessibles avec la carte soleil, représente un pas dans la bonne direction. Mais encore faut-il aller jusqu’au bout de cette logique.

43-minute read
The Winning Conditions for Quebec’s Mini-Hospitals
The success of the proposed mini-hospitals run by independent entrepreneurs rests largely on activity-based funding and the flexible management of human resources, according to this Montreal Economic Institute study.

4-minute read
Ce n’est pas avec les ingrédients d’une tourtière qu’on fait un gâteau
Seul le temps nous dira si la recette que nous propose le ministre Dubé est la bonne. Il est clair cependant que le choix des ingrédients s’approche de ce que les Québécois et Québécoises demandent et de ce dont ils ont besoin.

10-minute read
Canada’s Welfare Wall: Enhancing the CWB for Full-Time Employment
The Canada Workers Benefit—in its current form—fails to incentivize full-time work for low-income Canadians, according to this Economic Note published by the Montreal Economic Institute.

4-minute read
Mini-hospitals will complement Quebec’s health system, not erode it
Independent facilities, run by entrepreneurs, have an incentive to innovate and a greater capacity to do so given the smaller size of their organizations.

5-minute read
Learning to Be Patient: Emergency Room Wait Times Keep Rising Despite Promises
The median length of stay for a patient in an ER in Quebec was 5 hours and 11 minutes last year, according to this MEI study. With the exception of the 2020-2021 fiscal year, the median length of stay of an emergency room visit has been increasing for four years, going from 4 hours and 31 minutes in 2018 to 5 hours and 11 minutes last year.

2-minute read
Specialized Medical Clinics Are Health Care System Allies
If you’ve been waiting months for an operation, what’s your main concern? Is it the administrative structure of the facility where you will be treated, or is it rather a reduction in the time you have to wait?

2-minute read
Canadians Clamour for Home Care, Ottawa Offers Institutions
There tends to be a bit of a disconnect between what the people want, and what the government delivers. Just look at long-term care.

4-minute read
Allowing private health insurance would ease Canadians’ suffering
Many other countries with universal health insurance allow so-called duplicate insurance to ease pressure on the public system.