
Social Services

Il faut aller de l’avant avec les mini-hôpitaux

La promesse de deux premiers mini-hôpitaux, gérés par des entrepreneurs indépendants, mais accessibles avec la carte soleil, représente un pas dans la bonne direction. Mais encore faut-il aller jusqu’au bout de cette logique.

Learning to Be Patient: Emergency Room Wait Times Keep Rising Despite Promises

The median length of stay for a patient in an ER in Quebec was 5 hours and 11 minutes last year, according to this MEI study. With the exception of the 2020-2021 fiscal year, the median length of stay of an emergency room visit has been increasing for four years, going from 4 hours and 31 minutes in 2018 to 5 hours and 11 minutes last year.

Service matters most in health care

Ford’s plan to involve privately owned and operated facilities in delivering care within Ontario’s universal health system builds on well-documented success stories.

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