4-minute read
Article 45, deux points de vue – D’abord un problème d’interprétation
Amendments to the Labour Code to facilitate sub-contracting.
3-minute read
La syndicalisation et l’emploi
Impact of high unionization rates on the performance of the Quebec labour market.
1-minute read
Des services publics plus efficaces grâce au partenariat public-privé
With the arrival in Quebec City of a new government that has declared its intention to review the so-called "Quebec model," the time for Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) may finally have come. The new president of the Treasury Board has announced a vast operation of reengineering of the state bureaucracy, among other things through a wider recourse to Public-Private Partnerships. Quebec has not so far used PPPs to the same extent as other OECD countries, or even other Canadian provinces.
4-minute read
Créer la richesse avant de la partager
Quebec’s standard of living is among the lowest in North America.
4-minute read
Vive le welfare state
Have social programs been dismantled in Quebec?
3-minute read
Radiographie de l’État-providence
Have social programs been dismantled in Quebec?
6-minute read
Quelques mythes sur la banlieue
Is urban sprawl an ecological or economic catastrophe?
3-minute read
Un mirage, les économies des fusions
MEI’s Economic Note on municipal mergers.
4-minute read
The economic jig is up, Mr. Landry
Equalization payments and Quebec’s economy.
7-minute read
Comment le Canada traite le Québec: Landry se plaint pour les mauvaises raisons
Equalization payments and Quebec’s economy.