3-minute read
Un mirage, les économies des fusions
MEI’s Economic Note on municipal mergers.
4-minute read
The economic jig is up, Mr. Landry
Equalization payments and Quebec’s economy.
7-minute read
Comment le Canada traite le Québec: Landry se plaint pour les mauvaises raisons
Equalization payments and Quebec’s economy.
1-minute read
La liberté de travailler: source de prospérité et de création d’emploi
Among the obstacles to reducing unemployment are those created by certain provisions in the Labour Code. One of the obstacles is the “closed shop,” dating from the era of the first British trade unions (1860). In the same spirit, the Rand formula stipulates that obtaining a job can be conditional on paying dues to the union at the company. Both these formulas are currently in use in Quebec. This exerts a constraint on businesses by requiring them to hire only those who pay into (Rand formula) or join (closed shop) the house union.
2-minute read
Sommet de la jeunesse – Quelques faits incontournables à garder en mémoire
MEI study on the rate of unemployment and the salaries of the youth in Quebec in comparison to the youth of Ontario and the United States.