12-minute read
Consultations prébudgétaires 2024 – Ville de Montréal: Rémunération – Tourisme et Logement abordable – Réglementation
Brief submitted (in French only) by the MEI as part of the 2024 pre-budget consultations held by the City of Montreal.
4-minute read
Airbnb: la pointe de l’iceberg de la crise du logement
Les décisions de la Ville de Montréal et de l’administration Plante jouent un rôle prépondérant dans les prix élevés du logement que l’on voit aujourd’hui.
5-minute read
Coût des logements – La Ville de Montréal doit se regarder dans le miroir
Quelle que soit la noblesse des intentions de la Ville, le règlement «20-20-20» est bien loin «d’assurer une meilleure offre de logements abordables», l’objectif pourtant souhaité.
4-minute read
City of Montreal partly to blame for lack of affordable housing
With taxes, fees, and various regulations, the municipal government apparatus substantially increases the risk and the price developers must pay to build.
10-minute read
Improving Housing Affordability in Montreal by Reducing Construction Regulation
The City of Montreal’s housing policies drive up construction and housing costs in the area, shows this MEI publication. In particular, the study targets the City’s “20-20-20” regulation mandating the kinds of housing units to be built as well as certain financial contributions to the municipal government.
2-minute read
The Hippodrome Saga: Almost 14 Years Running in Place
This is the story of a parcel of land that’s been sitting vacant for nearly 14 years, right in the heart of a city in search of housing.
5-minute read
Les boucs émissaires
Au lieu de montrer du doigt les acheteurs étrangers pour les prix inabordables des résidences, nous devrions plutôt parler de la source du problème.
4-minute read
Blaming foreigners will not resolve the housing shortage
Instead of blaming on foreign buyers for unaffordable housing, we should be talking about the source of the problem: the many obstacles put in place.
2-minute read
Housing Shortage: It’s a Supply Issue
Anyone looking to buy a home has felt it: prices have skyrocketed in recent years. A good portion of the problem comes from the fact that supply has not kept up with growing demand in recent years.
IEDM – Comment contrer la flambée du prix des logements? – Miguel Ouellette
February 23, 2022 | 9 min. 33 sec. | Bon pied, bonne heure! (ICI Radio-Canada) Interview (in French) with Miguel Ouellette, Director […]