IEDM – Avez-vous de la difficulté à bien vous loger? – Miguel Ouellette
February 22, 2022 | 44 min. 33 sec. | L’effet Normandeau (98,5 FM) Interview (in French) with Miguel Ouellette, Director of Operations […]
IEDM – Comment contrer l’explosion du coût des loyers? – Miguel Ouellette
February 22, 2022 | 7 min. 52 sec. | Que la Mauricie se lève (106,9 FM) Interview (in French) with Miguel Ouellette, […]
IEDM – Comment améliorer l’accès au logement? – Miguel Ouellette
February 21, 2022 | 10 min. 17 sec. | Richard Martineau (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Miguel Ouellette, Director of Operations […]
3-minute read
Pénurie de logements: il faut faciliter la construction résidentielle
Montréal, le 21 février 2022 — Force est de constater que l’augmentation du prix des logements qui sévit depuis quelques années persiste. Cette situation affecte maintenant, à différents degrés, tant les grandes villes que les plus petites municipalités. Cet enjeu doit être pris au sérieux dès maintenant. Avant de penser à réglementer davantage ou à ajouter des taxes, les trois piliers de gouvernements doivent évaluer quelles mesures en place favorisent la flambée des prix.
4-minute read
The sky-high costs of public construction projects in Ontario
While Bill 66 was a step in the right direction, important challenges remain that are preventing the realization of the full potential of this legislation and uselessly increasing project costs.
1-minute read
Concrete recommendations to improve housing affordability by increasing supply
We’ve all seen the news lately—the housing market is red hot. While many provinces are grappling with affordability, Ontario’s crisis is the worst in the country.
4-minute read
Taxing homes is the wrong way to cool the housing market
We need to consider what the purpose of taxation is to begin with. It is to fund government expenditure, not to micromanage supply and demand.
2-minute read
Municipal Election – Rethinking Our Affordable Housing Approach
A recurring Canadian news story in recent years has been the falling affordability of housing. What are the solutions?
4-minute read
Cessons de stimuler la flambée des prix de l’immobilier
Depuis plus d’un an, le prix des propriétés a explosé au Québec. Cette flambée des prix s’explique par plusieurs facteurs, dont certaines mesures mises en place dans les dernières années par les différents paliers de gouvernement.
2-minute read
Real estate: The federal government must stop stimulating soaring prices
Montreal, June 23, 2021 – Rapidly rising prices for residential real estate in Canada, whether in Montreal, Toronto, or Vancouver, has very tangible consequences for the middle class. In Vancouver, the average price of a detached house is now $1.7 million, and the average price across all home types is over a million dollars in Toronto. Meanwhile, potential buyers in Montreal are also faced with an overheated sector characterized by bidding wars. What explains this?