
Media Releases

Quebec’s economy is worsening

Montreal, May 29, 2007 – Despite warnings from economic and public affairs observers, Quebec continues to watch as its economic situation deteriorates in comparison with its competitors, according to the latest available data. In an Economic Note published by the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI), Marcel Boyer, the Institute’s Vice President and Chief Economist, says it is time to end Quebec’s relative underperformance in economic development, demographic growth and job creation. He concludes that courageous reforms are needed, relying on “greater individual responsibility, the liberalization of prices, and competition in the production and distribution of public services.”

Le budget Jérôme-Forget est déjà déficitaire, en réalité – Le compromis PLQ-PQ risque d’aggraver ce déficit

Montreal, May 29, 2007 – Le compromis anticipé entre le PLQ et le PQ sur le budget Jérôme-Forget pourrait se réaliser aux dépens de l’équilibre budgétaire et aggraverait alors une situation déjà très difficile au niveau des finances publiques. Dans un commentaire publié aujourd’hui, l’Institut économique de Montréal (IEDM), explique, sur la base des déficits cachés identifiés par le Vérificateur général, que le cadre financier du budget Jérôme-Forget est en réalité déficitaire et que le gouvernement devrait préciser comment il compte assurer un véritable déficit zéro. Ce commentaire est co-signé par le président de l’Institut, Paul Daniel Muller, le vice-président et économiste en chef, Marcel Boyer et l’économiste Norma Kozhaya.

The 2007 Quebec budget – The government must give up on accounting tricks

Montreal, May 21, 2007 – With the first budget from Finance Minister Monique Jérôme-Forget coming soon, the Montreal Economic Institute is urging the Quebec government to abide by generally recognized accounting practices in the public sector, starting now. “The population as a whole must be able to get a true picture of public finances,” says Paul Daniel Muller, President of the Institute. “To achieve this, the government must do away with dubious accounting methods in its budget and financial statements that have enabled it to hide deficits. This is a simple matter of good governance.”

Health Care: It’s time for an in-depth reform

Montreal, May 16, 2007 – Claude Castonguay, considered one of the fathers of Quebec’s health care system, says the system needs in-depth reform. “The future of our health care system is a fundamental issue,” he told a Montreal audience today. “If the necessary changes are not made, our system cannot survive. That is a certainty from which we cannot escape.”

Regional support: look out for the perverse effects of tax measures

Montreal, May 10, 2007 – With a provincial budget coming soon, the Montreal Economic Institute is calling on the government and members of the National Assembly to show vigilance in assessing the effectiveness of regional assistance programs that sometimes may actually harm the economy.

Canada must reduce trade and ownership barriers, integrate economy with U.S., say Manning and Harris

Montreal, May 7, 2007 – Canada needs to fully open its economy and drop restrictions on foreign ownership in all business sectors including banking, financial services and telecommunications, Preston Manning and Mike Harris say in a new policy paper released today by independent research organizations The Fraser Institute and the Montreal Economic Institute.

Raising electricity rates to market levels can unleash the value of Quebec’s energy potential

Montreal, April 30, 2007 – Quebecers own Hydro-Québec but gain little from the so-called “social pact” requiring that electricity demand be met at the lowest possible price. This policy subsidizes some consumers indirectly to the detriment of others and promotes over-consumption of electricity. Ending resource waste and pursuing greater equity through a gradual rate rise to market levels would ensure well-being for everyone.

Hélène Desmarais is named chairman of the Montreal Economic Institute

The Montreal Economic Institute is pleased to announce the appointment of Hélène Desmarais as chairman of its board of directors. She succeeds Adrien Pouliot, who has guided the progress of the Institute since it began its activities in 1999. Ms. Desmarais is an experienced leader who, among her other positions, is chairman and CEO of the Centre d’Entreprises et d’Innovation de Montréal, Canada’s largest incubator of technology companies.

Already heavily subsidized – The Quebec pork industry needs a major overhaul

Montreal, March 14, 2007 – The government should not increase public assistance to the pork sector but instead should encourage the industry to reorganize itself so as to raise productivity. In an Economic Note released today by the Montreal Economic Institute, associate researcher Éric Grenon states that “reform is made necessary by the high and recurrent costs to taxpayers of aid to pork producers and by the serious deficiencies in the aid models that are applied.”

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