
Media Releases

Raising electricity rates to market levels can unleash the value of Quebec’s energy potential

Montreal, April 30, 2007 – Quebecers own Hydro-Québec but gain little from the so-called “social pact” requiring that electricity demand be met at the lowest possible price. This policy subsidizes some consumers indirectly to the detriment of others and promotes over-consumption of electricity. Ending resource waste and pursuing greater equity through a gradual rate rise to market levels would ensure well-being for everyone.

Hélène Desmarais is named chairman of the Montreal Economic Institute

The Montreal Economic Institute is pleased to announce the appointment of Hélène Desmarais as chairman of its board of directors. She succeeds Adrien Pouliot, who has guided the progress of the Institute since it began its activities in 1999. Ms. Desmarais is an experienced leader who, among her other positions, is chairman and CEO of the Centre d’Entreprises et d’Innovation de Montréal, Canada’s largest incubator of technology companies.

Already heavily subsidized – The Quebec pork industry needs a major overhaul

Montreal, March 14, 2007 – The government should not increase public assistance to the pork sector but instead should encourage the industry to reorganize itself so as to raise productivity. In an Economic Note released today by the Montreal Economic Institute, associate researcher Éric Grenon states that “reform is made necessary by the high and recurrent costs to taxpayers of aid to pork producers and by the serious deficiencies in the aid models that are applied.”

Jean Charest and Mario Dumont will speak at the invitation of the Montreal Economic Institute – Attention: Date change for the luncheon speech by Jean Charest

Montreal, March 1, 2007 – In this electoral season, the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) welcomes the premier and leader of the Quebec Liberal Party, Jean Charest, as well as the leader of the Action démocratique du Québec, Mario Dumont, on the occasion of two luncheon speeches. At the request of the Quebec Liberal Party, the speech by Jean Charest has been moved from March 13 to March 15, since the televised leaders’ debate is scheduled on March 13 in Quebec City.

Poll results: A majority in Quebec favour greater autonomy in school management – It is time to call school boards into question

Montreal, February 28, 2007 – School boards are not indispensable, says Prof. Robert Gagné, director of the Institute of Applied Economics at HEC Montréal and an associate researcher at the Montreal Economic Institute. In an Economic Note published by the Montreal Economic Institute, Prof. Gagné explains that school boards form a structure that is not essential in providing educational services and that the school tax is an inappropriate way of financing education.

Marcel Boyer named vice-president of the Montreal Economic Institute

Montreal, January 29, 2007 – Paul Daniel Muller, president of the Montreal Economic Institute, is pleased to announce the appointment of Marcel Boyer as vice-president and chief economist. Mr. Boyer is one of Canada’s best known economists and is among the 5% of economists most recognized worldwide, based on a December 2006 survey from Research Papers in Economics. This same ranking places him first in Quebec and ninth in Canada.

Four out of five people in Quebec say social assistance should be fully conditional – Success elsewhere shows the way to social assistance reform

Montreal, January 25, 2007 – With Quebec reigning as North American social assistance champion, behind only Newfoundland and the District of Columbia, economist Norma Kozhaya of the Montreal Economic Institute says social assistance could be reformed in a way that would reduce dependency and poverty among persons fit for work. This change could draw insight from measures applied successfully in parts of Canada and in many U.S. states.

Un accord à ciel ouvert entre le Canada et l’Europe entraînerait une croissance du trafic et des retombées économiques très importantes

Montreal, January 10, 2007 – L’Institut économique de Montréal (IEDM) salue l’ouverture de négociations entre le Canada et l’Union européenne pour l’ouverture des marchés aériens. L’Union européenne a annoncé hier sa volonté d’engager des négociations avec le Canada pour conclure un accord de ciel ouvert. Un tel accord simplifierait les relations entre le Canada et ses 27 partenaires européens dans le but d’offrir un choix plus étendu de vols à des prix plus compétitifs.

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