3-minute read
L’Institut économique de Montréal publie une liste exhaustive des impôts payés par les Québécois
Montreal, September 5, 2006 – Est-il possible de dresser une liste de tous les impôts payés par les Québécois? L’Institut économique de Montréal (IEDM) a tenté l’exercice à la demande de l’émission Dutrizac de TQS qui a dévoilé le document hier soir, à la première de l’émission.
2-minute read
New interactive version of the annual Report Card on Quebec’s Secondary Schools unveiled today in Montreal
Montreal, August 24, 2006 – The Fraser Institute today introduced a new interactive, web-based version of the popular Report Card on Quebec’s Secondary Schools. The Bulletin interactif des écoles secondaires du Québec was launched in conjunction with the Montreal Economic Institute and L’actualité magazine at a Montreal event hosted by L’actualité.
2-minute read
Canada-Europe open skies agreement: Ottawa should initiate talks, says former Air Canada CEO Pierre Jeanniot
Montreal, June 27, 2006 – Given the apparent impasse in open skies negotiations between Europe and the United States, Canada should take the lead and stimulate Europe’s interest in a Canada-European Union agreement modeled on the European proposal to the U.S.
3-minute read
Montreal gaining a competitive edge as Toronto and Vancouver adopt anti-suburbanization measures, says a new study
Montreal, June 20, 2006 – A study released today shows that the Montreal area’s competitive position is improving compared to other urban centres.
2-minute read
Projet de loi 33 sur l’assurance santé privée: déception à l’Institut économique de Montréal
Montreal, June 16, 2006 – Le projet de loi 33 déposé hier à l’Assemblée nationale par le ministre de la Santé déçoit la vice-présidente de l’Institut économique de Montréal (IEDM), Tasha Kheiriddin, qui estime que l’ouverture à l’assurance santé privée n’aurait pas dû être limitée à seulement trois procédures chirurgicales électives.
3-minute read
The Montreal Economic Institute suggests replacing subsidies with lower business taxes – Two out of three people in Quebec are in favour
Montreal, June 8, 2006 – An Economic Note published today by the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) finds that the greater the role played by direct government subsidies to business, the lower the rate of economic growth.
3-minute read
Nouvelle taxe sur l’essence: le gouvernement ferait fausse route
Montreal, June 7, 2006 – L’Institut économique de Montréal (IEDM) considère que le gouvernement du Québec ferait fausse route s’il décidait d’aller de l’avant avec l’idée d’augmenter la taxe sur l’essence dans le but de financer le transport en commun.
2-minute read
“Rebalance and Revitalize Canada” Manning & Harris Say
Montreal, June 6, 2006 – Fraser Institute Senior Fellows Preston Manning and Mike Harris today unveiled a series of steps to address Canada’s democratic deficit and make it the best governed federation in the world.
2-minute read
Quebec’s relative poverty cannot be denied, the Montreal Economic Institute states
Montreal, May 9, 2006 – Not only is Quebec less wealthy than its neighbours but, contrary to a widely held view, it is not more egalitarian either, the Montreal Economic Institute says.
3-minute read
Price controls cause inefficiency, says the Montreal Economic Institute
Montreal, April 11, 2006 – Price controls produce many pernicious effects, and it would be better for governments to let prices play their role effectively, says Valentin Petkantchin, research director at the Montreal Economic Institute. Governments should consider other policies instead, providing direct assistance to the groups in society they wish to help.