
Health Care

Les hôpitaux publics: des avenues de réforme par un partenariat avec l’entreprise privée

With governments up against higher health care spending, partnerships between the public and private sectors can offer innovative ways of controlling costs and improving services. Experience shows that such partnerships in construction and hospital management can provide major advantages. However, those who develop public policy must negotiate carefully and devise rules that are well thought out to ensure universal access, quality care and greater efficiency.

Universal Private Choice: Medicare Plus – A Concept of Health Care With Quality, Access and Choice For All Canadians (2nd Edition)

We are proposing a new approach to the financing, insuring and delivery of medical and hospital services. While retaining universal entitlement to Medicare insurance, as a core publicly funded service, we propose a new concept of universal private choice. This includes Medicare, as well as voluntary private medical, hospital and health insurance alternatives, as exist in all other OECD countries. Our aim is to improve quality, access and choice for all Canadians.

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