4-minute read
Soins privés ou privé de soins?
Access to health care services in Canada.
1-minute read
The Opinion of Canadians on Access to Health Care
Léger Marketing poll commissioned by the Montreal Economic Institute.
5-minute read
Feu vert à l’assurance maladie privée? La Cour suprême donne raison aux patients qui sont prêts à payer pour se faire soigner plus vite
Debate between Norma Kozhaya, Economist at the MEI, and Paul Saba, co-president of the Coalition des médecins pour la justice sociale.
1-minute read
Using private insurance to finance health care
The recent Supreme Court of Canada ruling in the Chaoulli affair determined that the Quebec government cannot forbid private health insurance from covering medically required services. If the possibility of obtaining private insurance is not thwarted by government moves, it will lead to the advent of a parallel private health care system. This will not mark the end of the public system but will allow for greater overall financing and will increase the ability of the health care system to look after patients more quickly and more effectively.
5-minute read
A made-in-Canada prescription – Duplicate insurance likely in a fully parallel private health sector
Publication of an Economic Note on the financing of private health care.
2-minute read
Should we expand private health care?
Health care reform in Canada.
2-minute read
Santé: plus de place au privé?
Health care reform in Canada.
1-minute read
Le point sur les assurances privée – L’expérience internationale et les cinq catégories d’assurance maladie privée
Publication of an Economic Note on the financing of private health care.
4-minute read
Hausse du coût des assurances médicaments: le contrôle des prix n’est pas la solution
The control over the price of new drugs.
5-minute read
Faut-il taxer la malbouffe? – La tyrannie de la «santé publique»
Conference by Jacob Sullum of the magazine Reason before the MEI.