
Energy Policies

Une nouvelle taxe fédérale sur les régions?

Malheureusement pour les gens des régions plus rurales, le gouvernement Trudeau a instauré une nouvelle taxe qui augmentera le coût du transport et des intrants utilisés dans les secteurs économiques de nos régions.

Canada needs Enbridge’s Line 5

We need to reassert the importance of our energy sectors and of good trade relations between our two countries, which have after all been loyal partners for so many years.

Canada Must Reconsider Its Pipeline Strategy

The revoking of Keystone XL’s permit by US President Joe Biden his first day in office highlights the risk for Canada of depending on a single country for its petroleum product exports. This Economic Note points out that the construction of new pipelines on Canadian soil would help the country reduce this risk and maximize revenues from oil exports, thus encouraging job creation and improving Canadians’ living standards.

Restarting Canada’s Energy Sector − Innovation and the Spirit of the Coureur des Bois

Based on our analysis and findings, the blueprint for restarting Canada’s energy sector is very simple. Nearly all the breakthroughs and advances were the work of individuals or companies, which had the pressure of dealing with an immediate problem or constraints that required a new approach. The question should be about what should be done, and not done, by government.

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