
Opinion Polls

Taxation in Canada – Ipsos poll commissioned by the MEI

The majority of Canadians think Ottawa spends too much, and on the wrong priorities, reveals this MEI-Ipsos poll. “Canadians have been watching federal government spending grow and grow for years, with no apparent affect on services,” says Renaud Brossard, Vice President of Communications at the MEI.

Healthcare in Canada 2023

The Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) commissioned Ipsos to poll Canadians on their opinions regarding various healthcare-related issues.

Healthcare in Canada 2022

The implementation of a mixed health care system, like in France and Sweden, would be supported by a majority of Canadians according to a new IPSOS poll commissioned by the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI).

Fiscal Issues in Canada – Ipsos poll commissioned by the MEI

With many predicting a recession and with inflation at a level not seen in 30 years, an Ipsos poll conducted on behalf of the MEI finds that more than seven in ten Canadians (72%) think the individual tax burden is too high, compared to one in five (21%) who think it’s at an acceptable level.

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