
Opinion Polls

Healthcare in Canada 2021

While the Canadian health care system’s capacity to treat more patients during the pandemic remains particularly low, a clear majority of Canadians (58%) want their governments to allow increased access to health care services provided by entrepreneurs, versus just 27% who are opposed to this. Moreover, according to the Ipsos poll commissioned by the Montreal Economic Institute, a majority of Canadians (52%) also agree that the rate of increase in health care spending is unsustainable.

Meeting Canada’s Energy Needs (2021)

With COP26 just coming to a close in Glasgow, only 25% of Canadians (and 36% of Quebecers) are of the opinion that this conference helped find solutions to climate change. Health care and the economy clearly remain the top priorities for the Canadian population, and 65% of Canadians are not prepared to pay a single cent more to fight climate change.

Green Ideas

With the Quebec government recently rejecting the Énergie Saguenay project, Quebecers are divided about whether job creation should take precedence over reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Indeed, an Ipsos poll carried out on behalf of the Montreal Economic Institute reveals a considerable gap between the opinions of Quebecers who live in urban centres and those who live in the province’s rural regions.

Indigenous Rights Survey

With the federal government tabling a bill last week aiming to make the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples applicable to Canada, a clear majority of Quebecers are opposed to them having special or additional rights, compared to what all Quebecers enjoy. According to an Ipsos poll commissioned by the MEI, 55% of Quebecers think Indigenous people should have the same rights as them, no more and no less.

Healthcare in Canada 2020

With Canadians locked down to varying degrees in order to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed, a very large majority of them want the system to have better surge capacity. Canadians, and especially Quebecers, also think that the health care system is too bureaucratic to respond to their needs. The majority of Canadians are in favour of giving more space to entrepreneurs within a universal health care system, according to an Ipsos poll carried out on behalf of the Montreal Economic Institute.

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