
Media Releases

Pharmaceutical promotion, an essential expense

Montreal, September 28, 2011 – The large sums invested in the promotion and advertising of pharmaceutical drugs do not come at the expense of R&D and patients' health. The Viewpoint published today by the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) highlights the positive correlation that exists between the pharmaceutical industry's promotional activities and its spending on R&D.

Winning conditions for introducing merit pay for teachers

Montreal, September 14, 2011 – A recent Leger Marketing poll revealed that 67% of Quebecers believe that teachers' performance should be evaluated and that the best among them should be paid better than their less effective colleagues. Some concerns have been expressed about how to carry out a fair evaluation of the work teachers do. That is why the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) is publishing an Economic Note today on best practices in this regard.

Quebecers in favour of merit pay for teachers

Montreal, September 8, 2011 – As another school year begins, attention has turned to ways of improving the quality of the education system in Quebec, especially through teacher evaluation and merit pay. What's more, a poll carried out by Leger Marketing and published today shows that Quebecers are very open to these ideas.

Plain packaging for cigarettes: at best, ineffective; at worst, harmful

Montreal, August 15, 2011 – In anticipation of new federal regulations that will increase the space reserved for health warnings on cigarette packages from 50 to 75%, the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) today unveils a second Economic Note on the growing tendency of governments to regulate advertising. In practice, increasing the space reserved for warnings may be seen as a form of plain packaging, and this is all the more true when a sticker is added (on the section left for the brand) to show that duty has been paid.

Spending cuts in the U.S. debt ceiling agreement are insufficient, explains the Montreal Economic Institute

Montreal, August 5, 2011 – The deal adopted by the U.S. Congress and signed by President Obama on August 2, 2011 will see the federal debt ceiling in the United States raised by at least $2.1 trillion from its current limit of $14.3 trillion. An analysis of the agreement shows that even if all the cuts contained in it were indeed enacted, they would not prevent the U.S. federal debt from continuing to grow.

Eliminating Canada Post’s monopoly would benefit consumers

Montreal, April 27, 2011 – After several months of unsuccessful negotiations and conciliation talks, the employees of Canada Post voted by a margin of 94.5% in favour of going on strike at the end of May if they do not reach a negotiated settlement with their employer. Now is the perfect time to evaluate this public monopoly and to consider reforms that would improve its efficiency.

A strong majority of Quebecers supports the development of the oil sands and has a positive image of Alberta, according to a Leger Marketing poll

Montreal, March 31, 2011 – As part of its Plea for a Quebec-Alberta Dialogue, the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) today unveils the results of a very interesting poll on Quebecers’ perceptions of certain political and economic issues related to Alberta.

As it turns out, 61% of Quebecers have a positive image of Alberta. Furthermore, over two thirds (68%) agree with the notion that Quebec must strengthen its political and economic ties with this province.

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