
Media Releases

Provincial election campaign – To the different political parties, the MEI proposes six reform ideas for a universal and efficient health care system

Montreal, Thursday, March 13, 2014 – In the province of Quebec, endless lines are now the defining characteristic of the health care system. Public health care spending reached nearly $4,000 per capita in 2013. But despite more and more resources being devoted to it over the years, the results achieved by the public health care system are far from satisfactory.

Forcing retirement savings: there is no need to cut into Canadians’ disposable income

Thursday, February 27, 2014 – In Canada, the current balance between compulsory and private savings is effective in meeting a clear goal, namely reducing poverty among retired people. Canada stands out among industrialized countries with a poverty rate among seniors that is lower than the average and lower than the poverty rate for the Canadian population as a whole.

The Montreal Economic Institute explains Quebec’s debt

Montreal, Thursday, February 20, 2014 – As it does every year when Quebec’s provincial budget is tabled, the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) has updated its debt clock. According to our estimates, the public sector debt now stands at $264.2 billion. This is more than $62,090 per taxpayer and 72.5% of GDP.

L’IEDM salue le démarrage de l’exploration pétrolière sur l’île d’Anticosti

Montréal, le vendredi 14 février 2014 – Selon l’Institut économique de Montréal, la décision du gouvernement Marois d’aller de l’avant dans l’exploration du pétrole sur l’île d’Anticosti est une très bonne nouvelle car il est grand temps que les Québécois aient l’heure juste sur les richesses pétrolières potentielles qui pourraient y être enfouies.

Taxes on tobacco, alcohol and gambling: Contradictory objectives that are hard to attain

Montreal, Wednesday, January 22, 2014 – At the end of 2013, Finance Minister Nicolas Marceau announced a deficit of $2.5 billion for 2013 and $1.75 billion in 2014-15. In order to achieve a balanced budget, the temptation might be to increase taxes on certain products deemed to be harmful like alcohol or tobacco. But in fact, far from being the miracle solution to budgetary and public health problems, sin taxes often have unwanted consequences, according to a new Economic Note published today.

Bitcoin: A potential for innovation in need of a legal framework

Montreal, Wednesday, January 15, 2014 – Bitcoin digital currency is attracting increasing attention from Internet users, retailers, researchers, central banks, and of course, speculators. Since its launch in 2009, the value of a bitcoin has fluctuated considerably, reaching a peak of over a thousand US dollars in the fall of 2013 before dropping back down in the month of December. Is Bitcoin here to stay and become an integral part of our economic lives? The Montreal Economic Institute presents some of the answers in a new Economic Note published today.

Private clinics are part of the solution, not part of the problem, according to the Montreal Economic Institute

Montreal, December 5, 2013 – Contrary to the alarmist declarations of Health Minister Réjean Hébert, who worries about the “hemorrhaging” of doctors to private clinics, these physicians actually represent a mere 1.38% of all doctors in Quebec. This is one of the bits of information contained in the new Economic Note published today by the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI), based on official statistics as well as original field research.

The economic miracle of Hong Kong shows the ability of capitalism to create wealth

Montreal, Tuesday, November 19, 2013 – In just a few decades, Hong Kong has hoisted itself up among the wealthiest economies in the world. A veritable doorway to China and the rest of Asia for foreign investors, it owes its success to the application of the basic principles of capitalism, says the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) in a new Economic Note published today.

Green energy “investments” are really expenses paid for by taxpayers and consumers

Montreal, November 13, 2013 – In reaction to the recent publication of a report by the Pembina Institute and Équiterre on the development of the oilsands and their impact on the Canadian economy, the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) reminds us that the green energy “investments” called for by these organizations are actually expenses, since the forms of energy in question are not cost-effective.

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