Yes, we should listen to First Nations!

Demonstrations organized by members of First Nations are disrupting economic activity in Canada, and preventing people from freely travelling around the country, and even from taking their commuter trains to work.
Unfortunately, some suggest that those who oppose these protests, which are extremely harmful for our economy, do not recognize the rights of First Nations. This is completely false.
In fact, the communities crossed by the pipeline are in favour of the project and will benefit greatly from it. An MEI Research Paper published in 2018 casts a different light on the matter by showing how aboriginal communities have improved their quality of life, built up their infrastructure, and increased their autonomy thanks to economic development.
Nor are First Nations passive participants in this economic activity. More and more, they are owners and developers of energy infrastructure.
For certain people in these communities to express a contrary opinion, in an orderly and reasonable manner, is entirely legitimate. But we would be much better off as a country if we handed the megaphone to people like Ellis Ross, Crystal Smith, and Dale Swampy!