
Theory, History and Thinkers

Milton Friedman : un économiste qui a changé le monde

The Montreal Economic Institute is publishing an abridged French translation of a book on the ideas of Milton Friedman, who would have celebrated his 100th birthday in 2012. This booklet aims to make his economic and political thought accessible to the general public. From market liberalization in China to the flat tax in Eastern Europe, from debates over school vouchers to monetary policy, Friedman brilliantly defended ideas that led to the challenging of numerous public policies.

Le capitalisme : la meilleure solution pour relever nos défis économiques

Ce document hors série est publié à l’occasion du discours de Steve Forbes à la tribune de l’Institut économique de Montréal en date du 15 février 2011. Il constitue une traduction adaptée de l’épilogue du livre How Capitalism Will Save Us: Why Free People and Free Markets Are the Best Answer in Today’s Economy de Steve Forbes et d’Elizabeth Ames.

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