

ER Wait Times in Quebec Are Stagnating

The median patient visiting a Quebec emergency room last year spent 5 hours and 13 minutes there, according to this study published by the MEI. “This year again, Quebec patients have had to be patient indeed, with emergency room visits taking over five hours,” says Emmanuelle B. Faubert, economist at the MEI and author of the study.

À Montréal, construisons plus et taxons moins

La mairesse de Montréal, Valérie Plante, semble insister pour que l’on juge les objectifs de son règlement pour une métropole mixte — aussi connu sous le nom de « règlement 20-20-20 » — plutôt que ses effets observables.

We need faster, fairer assessments of major energy projects

Any environmental assessment of a large energy project must be coupled with an assessment of its impact on: the national economy, job creation, investment opportunities across the country and on Canada’s reputation as an attractive destination for international investors.

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