
Liberalization of Markets

Why We Need Freer Trade in Canada

There seems to be a view among Canadian governments that the domestic market and interprovincial trade are not important. Canada as a country doesn’t have enforceable trade rules. Provincial governments can and do use their legislative and regulatory powers to protect local interests and limit trade in their markets. We also don’t have an effective mechanism to ensure that our domestic market is functioning the very best it can to support and sustain export growth in the future.

La libéralisation des marchés de l’électricité

The electricity industry has seen a lot of transformations since the 1980s. Privatizations, deregulations, opening of markets: new forms of organization have come up that question the model of regulation inspired by the theories of natural monopoly. This volume is an overview of a complex economic process which appears irreversible, despite the problems that badly conceived deregulations are causing in California and elsewhere.

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