5-minute read
Stigler : quand la réglementation ne donne rien
Portrait of economist George Stigler (1911-1991).

4-minute read
Peter Boettke, le visage moderne de l’école autrichienne d’économie
Portrait of Professor of Economics and Philosophy Peter Boettke.

6-minute read
Friedrich Hayek : la grande vedette de l’école autrichienne d’économie
Portrait of Nobel Prize-winning economist Friedrich A. Hayek.

5-minute read
Ludwig von Mises, le Nobel intemporel
Portrait of the influential economist Ludwig von Mises.

2-minute read
Friedrich A. Hayek, ennemi de la servitude
This booklet is a French translation of the condensed version of the book The Road to Serfdom (1944) by Friedrich A. Hayek. It was prepared using G. Blumberg’s complete French translation published at Presses universitaires de France and contains an introduction (“The Man Who Changed Everyone’s Life: The Ubiquitous Ideas of Friedrich A. Hayek”) written by Brian Lee Crowley, President of the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies. The original condensed version was published for the first time in the April 1945 edition of the Reader’s Digest magazine.