5-minute read
Schumpeter: l’entrepreneur au service de l’innovation
Portrait of Economist Joseph Alois Schumpeter.
4-minute read
Israel Kirzner: The elder statesman of the Austrian school
Portrait of economist Israel Kirzner.
5-minute read
Israël Kirzner: le doyen de l’école autrichienne
Portrait of economist Israel Kirzner.
4-minute read
Peter Boettke, the modern face of the Austrian School of Economics
Portrait of Professor of Economics and Philosophy, Peter J. Boettke.
4-minute read
Friedrich Hayek: The superstar of Austrian Economics
Portrait of Economist Friedrich A. Hayek.
4-minute read
Ludwig von Mises, the timeless Nobel
Portrait of economist Ludwig von Mises.
IEDM – Entrepreneuriat: le Canada doit s’inspirer de l’Autriche – Mathieu Bédard
September 21, 2017 | 6 min. 20 sec. | Le café show (Ici Radio-Canada) Interview (in French) with Mathieu Bédard, Economist at […]
10-minute read
How to Foster Entrepreneurship in Canada: The Teachings of the Austrian School of Economics
Everyone claims to favour entrepreneurship, but politicians routinely propose various programs to help entrepreneurs, when they should instead concentrate on getting rid of policies that discourage them. Indeed, the empirical literature shows that interventionist policies are detrimental to entrepreneurship. The Austrian School of Economics has much to teach us about the kinds of policies that truly encourage entrepreneurship and wealth creation, and thus how to improve public policies in Canada.
4-minute read
To Foster Entrepreneurship, Ottawa Should Look To Vienna
How to Foster Entrepreneurship in Canada.
4-minute read
Pour favoriser l’entrepreneuriat, Ottawa devrait s’inspirer des Autrichiens
How to Foster Entrepreneurship in Canada.