
Media Releases

Salaire minimum à 18 $ : une mesure inquiétante

Montréal, August 18, 2021 – Alors que la FTQ prenait position hier en faveur d’un salaire minimum fixé à 18 $ l’heure, Miguel Ouellette, économiste et directeur des opérations à l’IEDM, a souhaité réagir.

Wealth Tax: An Idea That’s Doomed to Fail

Montreal, August 5, 2021 – With federal elections reportedly around the corner, Canadian politicians will be putting forward policy proposals that they deem popular with the public. Left-leaning politicians have been promoting the idea of a one-time wealth tax in order to fund spending sprees. A publication launched today by the Montreal Economic Institute takes a hard look at the one-time wealth tax recently analyzed by the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO).

La rigueur budgétaire, abandonnée par la droite comme par la gauche

Montréal, le 4 août 2021 – Un article du Journal de Montréal de ce matin nous apprenait que l’État québécois est plus « obèse » que jamais, alors que le nombre de fonctionnaires a bondi de 12 % en 4 ans, malgré les promesses de réduction de la CAQ, le parti au pouvoir que plusieurs considèrent pourtant « de droite ».

Real estate: The federal government must stop stimulating soaring prices

Montreal, June 23, 2021 – Rapidly rising prices for residential real estate in Canada, whether in Montreal, Toronto, or Vancouver, has very tangible consequences for the middle class. In Vancouver, the average price of a detached house is now $1.7 million, and the average price across all home types is over a million dollars in Toronto. Meanwhile, potential buyers in Montreal are also faced with an overheated sector characterized by bidding wars. What explains this?

Ensuring quicker access to new drugs

Montreal, June 17, 2021 – The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us once again the importance of quickly developing and approving the use of innovative drugs. A publication launched today by the Montreal Economic Institute has two recommendations to help ensure that Canadians have quicker access to medications.

Ensuring the vitality of French in Quebec

Montreal, May 13, 2021 – With the different levels of government intensifying their efforts to promote the use of the French language, an analysis of the economic history of Quebec identifies the real winning conditions for favouring the vitality of French. A publication launched today by the Montreal Economic Institute shows the strong connection between the prosperity of francophones and the attractiveness of French in the province.

M. Marcel Boyer de l’IEDM sera honoré du grade de chevalier de l’Ordre national du Québec

Montréal, le 11 mai 2021 – L’IEDM tient à féliciter M. Marcel Boyer qui se verra décoré de l’insigne du grade de chevalier de l’Ordre national du Québec le 22 juin prochain. « Nous sommes fiers de compter parmi nous une personne d’exception comme Marcel Boyer. Sa contribution exceptionnelle à l’avancement de la science économique au Québec est inestimable », souligne Michel Kelly-Gagnon, président et directeur général de l’IEDM. M. Boyer a agi à titre d’économiste et directeur de la recherche à l’IEDM entre 2006 et 2009 avant de recevoir le titre de chercheur associé émérite.

Vaccine passports: So people can get on with their lives

Montreal, April 28, 2021 – It has already been over a year since the pandemic turned our lives upside down and governments severely curtailed our individual freedoms. Thankfully, the vaccination campaign is now in full swing, so we can hope for a return to a better quality of life in the near future. A new publication launched by the Montreal Economic Institute argues for the introduction of a non-mandatory, decentralized vaccine passport to help make this happen.

Federal budget: Paying to service the growing debt

Montreal, April 21, 2021 – This Monday, the federal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau presented its first budget in over two years. In a publication launched today, Montreal Economic Institute researchers shine a spotlight on the rapid growth of debt service charges.

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