Le rôle positif des cliniques médicales privées au Québec
De plus en plus de gens se tournent vers les cliniques privées pour se faire soigner au Québec. Dans le cadre du programme de recherche sur les soins de sant…
IEDM – Québec doit-il abandonner le défit zéro pour 2013-2014 – Youri Chassin
Interview (in French) with Youri Chassin, Economist at the MEI, on abandoning the goal of zero deficit and eventually free trade between Canada and the European Union. Broadcast on November 14, 2013, on RDI.
IEDM – Sables bitumineux – Jean-François Minardi
Interview (in French) with Jean-François Minardi, Public Policy Analyst at the MEI, on oil sands exploitation. Broadcast on November 13, 2013, on the ARGENT business news network.
IEDM – Les tarifs d’électricité offerts aux alumineries du Québec – Youri Chassin
Interview (in French) with Youri Chassin, economist and research coordinator at the MEI, on the electricity tarifs for Quebec's aluminum industry. Broadcast on October 30, 2013, on the ARGENT business news network.
IEDM – Rapport de la Commission nationale d’examen de l’assurance-emploi – Youri Chassin
Interview (in French) with Youri Chassin, Economist at the MEI, on the Commission nationale d'examen de l'assurance-emploi report. Broadcast on October 27, 2013, on the ARGENT business news network.
IEDM – Système de santé – Michel Kelly-Gagnon
Debate (in French) with Michel Kelly-Gagnon, President and CEO of the MEI, on the role of the private sector in Quebec's health care system. Broadcast on October 24, 2013, on MATV's Open Télé.
IEDM – La crise budgétaire des États-Unis – Germain Belzile
Interview (in French) with Germain Belzile, Senior Fellow at the MEI, on the American budgetary crisis. Broadcast on October 15, 2013, on the ARGENT business news network.
IEDM – La retraite: une responsabilité individuelle ou collective? – Youri Chassin
Interview (in French) with Youri Chassin, Economist at the MEI, on retirement. Broadcast on October 10, 2013, during Télé-Québec’s Bazzo.tv show.
IEDM – Les finances publiques des États-Unis – Germain Belzile
Interview (in French) with Germain Belzile, Senior Fellow at the MEI, on the American budgetary crisis. Broadcast on October 7, 2013, on the ARGENT business news network.
IEDM – Reportage sur L’état de la forêt au Québec
Report (in French) on the MEI short documentary entitled The state of Quebec's forests broadcast on October 4, 2013, during Radio-Canada's Téléjournal Est-du-Québec.