IEDM – Exploration de pétrole sur l’Île d’Anticosti – Jean-François Minardi
Interview (in French) with Jean-François Minardi, Public Policy Analyst at the MEI, about oil exploration on Anticosti Island. Broadcast on February 14, 2014, on the ARGENT business news network.
IEDM – Débat sur le déséquilibre fiscal – Youri Chassin
Debate (in French) with Youri Chassin, Economist at the Montreal Economic Institute, on the return of fiscal imbalance. Broadcast on February 12, 2014, on the RDI news network.
MEI – Is Quebec living beyond its means? – Youri Chassin
Interview with Youri Chassin, Economist at the MEI, on the possible expansion of pension plans in Quebec. Broadcast on February 11, 2014, on CTV Montreal.
IEDM – Budget fédéral 2014-2015 – Germain Belzile
Interview (in French) with Germain Belzile, Senior Fellow at the MEI and professor at HEC Montréal, on the 2014-2015 federal budget. Broadcast on February 11, 2014, on the ARGENT business news network.
IEDM – Le phénomène monétaire Bitcoin – David Descôteaux
Interview excerpt (in French) with David Descôteaux, Associate Researcher at the MEI, on the Bitcoin phenomenon and the issues that it raises. Broadcast on February 5, 2014, on RDI.
IEDM – Arrivée du Bitcoin à Montréal
Report (in French) on a the opening for business of a Bitcoin ATM in Montreal. Broadcast on RDI, on February 5, 2014.
IEDM – Taxes puritaines – Jean-François Minardi
Interview (in French) with Jean-François Minardi, Public Policy Analyst at the MEI, on the effects of tobacco, alcohol and gambling taxes. Broadcast on January 22, 2014, on the ARGENT business news network.
IEDM – Le phénomène monétaire Bitcoin – David Descôteaux
Interview (in French) with David Descôteaux, Associate Researcher at the MEI, on the Bitcoin phenomenon and the issues that it raises. Broadcast on January 16, 2014, on the ARGENT business news network.
IEDM – Le potentiel de Bitcoin – David Descôteaux
Interview (in French) with David Descôteaux, Associate Researcher at the MEI, about the Bitcoin phenomenon and the issues that it raises. Broadcast on the ARGENT business news network, on January 15, 2014.
IEDM – Les chambres privées au CUSM et au CHUM – Jasmin Guénette
Interview (in French) with Jasmin Guénette, Vice President of the MEI, on private rooms being offered at the CUSM and the CHUM. Broadcast on January 15, 2014, on the TVA Network.