The state of Quebec’s forests
October 3, 2013
Some people and organizations claim that our forests will disappear if we continue cutting down trees the way we do now. In this enlightening documentary, Mr. Jasmin Guénette, Vice President of the MEI, went out into the field to interview those who make their living from the forestry industry to see the true state of our forests and measure the impact of tree cutting on biodiversity.
In this documentary, we learn that the forest, as a resource that regenerates itself, can be cut and returned to production without threatening its existence. In fact, trees that are too old would eventually wither and die if they were not harvested. Conserving for the sake of conserving helps no one, not even animals that need forests at different stages of maturity to feed themselves.
Media release: Alarmist talk about the state of our forests is wrong, according to a documentary by the Montreal Economic Institute
Links of interest
Crying wolf won’t help the caribou (Sun Media Newspapers, March 3, 2014)
Quand on crie au caribou… (The MEI’s blog at Journal de Montréal, March 3, 2014) Le discours alarmiste sur nos forêts est erroné (Huffington Post Québec, October 9, 2013) « L’erreur boréale » – La forêt québécoise toujours en danger? (Le Journal de Montréal, October 3, 2013) Forêt du Québec – Un immense travail reste à faire (Le Journal de Montréal, October 3, 2013) |
Interview (in French) with Jasmin Guénette (CHOI 98,1, October 3, 2013) | Report (in French) on the documentary (Radio-Canada, October 4, 2013)
Interview (in French) with Jasmin Guénette (LCN-TV, October 3, 2013) Interview (in French) with Jasmin Guénette (Argent, October 3, 2013) Report (in French) on the documentary (TVA Network, October 3, 2013) Report (in French) on the documentary (Radio-Canada, October 3, 2013) |