The blessings of individual liberty: Regular people coming together to help those in need

We are now witnessing an outpouring of volunteers across Canada going door-to-door to offer supplies and help to people in need of help—the vulnerable, seniors, those who may be scared or confused.
One Toronto woman delivered flyers in the mailboxes of her neighbours offering any help they need. A Montreal 14-year-old followed suit with bilingual notes to the neighbours. One Fort McMurray, Alberta, jewelry store offered free earrings to anyone who dropped off a food donation. The owner was floored by the response, “My office, the back room, the shelves of my jewelry store are all filled with food now. Showcases are all full with food,” he said. “It’s unreal.” Now community app Nextdoor is adding features to make it easier to find neighbours who need help during the crisis.
We all celebrate freedom and free markets because they encourage us to treat one another with respect, dignity, and compassion. It is beautiful and inspiring to see the true soul of Canada rise to the challenge.