Claude Thibault
Director & Chair of the Audit Committee
Claude Thibault is Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Alithya Group. Mr. Thibault has more than twenty years of experience serving as CFO for a variety of companies, both private and publicly-traded, active in Canada and internationally. He has worked in a variety of sectors, including high-tech, manufacturing, distribution, and services. Previously, Mr. Thibault worked in financial advisory services for a decade at KPMG, and for five years as Vice President, Investment Banking, at Midland Walwyn/Merrill Lynch Canada. He has served on the boards of directors of two Crown corporations, and is a member of the advisory committee of a high-tech start-up. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant, with the Corporate Finance qualification (CPA, CA-CF), and a Chartered Business Valuator (CBV). Mr. Thibault holds an MBA and an ICD.D designation from the Institute of Corporate Directors.