Calgary – How to Encourage Business Creation in Canada
Panel discussion featuring Professor Peter J. Boettke and Economist Mathieu Bédard.
Taking inspiration from the teachings of the Austrian School of Economics, what are the public policies that need to be improved in order to encourage more entrepreneurship and business creation? The analysis addressed, among other things, issues of taxation, labour regulation, and ease of trade.
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Peter J. Boettke is a University Professor of Economics and Philosophy at George Mason University and Director of the F.A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the Mercatus Center. The Mercatus Center is a university-based research center in the Washington, DC region. He is the current President of the Mont Pelerin Society and the Southern Economics Association.
Mathieu Bédard is an Economist at the MEI. He holds a PhD in economics from Aix-Marseille University in France. Mr. Bédard is the author of many studies and articles on Canadian public policies and regularly analyzes current affairs related to public policies in the media.
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Photos taken during the event
Peter J. Boettke.
Mathieu Bédard.
Question Period hosted by Beverly Dahlby, Distinguished Fellow at the School of Public Policy and Professor of Economics at the University of Calgary.
Jenny McLeod. Associate Director of Development, School of Public Policy at University of Calgary.
Matt Bufton, Executive Director of the Institute for Liberal Studies.
Michel Kelly-Gagnon, President and CEO of the MEI.
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