What future for gold in the context of stimulus policies?

Luncheon speech with J. Anthony Boeckh President of Boeckh Capital Co. Ltd.
The recent stagnation in the price of gold has led many to reconsider its value as an investment. Has the rise in gold prices ended? Tony Boeckh doesn’t believe so. On the contrary, international economic circumstances and the stimulus policies of the major countries point the other way.
In this presentation, the celebrated investor and financial economist covered these and other public policy issues and how they impact gold. He explained why the odds are high that the price of gold will be well above current levels three to five years from now. Gold will continue to play its traditional role as a refuge against current government policies.
Photos taken during the event
Many people attended the event.
Michel Kelly-Gagnon, President and CEO of the Montreal Economic Institute.
J. Anthony Boeckh, President of Boeckh Capital Co. Ltd.
Jasmin Guénette, vice president of the Montreal Economic Institute, with a participant.
Léon Courville, member of the Board of Directors ot the Montreal Economic Institute.
J. Anthony Boeckh met with reporters following the event.
Photos: Hugo Hamaoui