

Merit Pay: A Tool for Improving the Education System

It is universally acknowledged that a quality education system has a profound influence on economic prosperity. In the long run, only a trained and productive population can improve its quality of life in a sustained manner. It is after all in order to promote access to education that the Quebec Department of Education was established in 1964. Today, this Department has an annual budget of $15.5 billion, the equivalent of 25% of Quebec government program spending. Despite the multiple measures adopted over the decades and the sums invested, Quebec’s education system must once again rise to important challenges in order to contribute fully to the development of the economic potential of the province’s people.

Media Release, September 14, 2011 :: Winning conditions for introducing merit pay for teachers

Download “Figure 1 – Quebec teacher salary according to seniority and years of schooling (2011-2012)” in JPEG or EPS format

Quebecers’ Perceptions toward Teacher Remuneration :: Léger Marketing public poll commissioned by the MEI, September 8, 2011


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Interview (in French) with Germain Belzile (LCN, September 8, 2011)

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