The economic crisis and its impact on employment

An economic recession produces its share of negative consequences: drops in the value of retirement funds, declines in the worth of real estate assets, lower corporate profits, a return to structural government deficits, and so forth. However, the most visible impact of a recession is unquestionably the job losses that are an inevitable result. This research paper covers different aspects of the financial crisis and economic recession which began in 2007.
Links of interest
Media Release: Study on the economic crisis: natural job creation in the private sector far exceeds the alleged impact of stimulus packages
Job plan ‘insignificant’ – Stimulus doesn’t work: Expert: QMI Agency article reproduced in dozens of newspapers and news websites, December 9, 2009
Crise : les plans de relance seraient peu efficaces: La Presse canadienne article reproduced in dozens of newspapers and news websites, December 9, 2009