The Benefits of Globalization

Based on supporting data, Swedish author Johan Norberg showed that the opening up of trade and international capital flows is an indicator of progress, especially for the world’s less fortunate. In a systematic way, he refuted the arguments of those who oppose free trade and capitalism. The conference also featured comments by Mr. Rodrigue Tremblay, professor emeritus of the Department of Economic Sciences of the University of Montreal, former Quebec Minister of Industry and Commerce and author of the book Pourquoi Bush veut la guerre, recently published by Les Intouchables.
Photos taken during the event
Johan Norberg, author of the book entitled Plaidoyer pour la mondialisation capitaliste, published by the MEI, in collaboration with les Éditions Saint-Martin, in May of 2003.
Johan Norberg with Rodrigue Tremblay.
Johan Norberg with Pierre Desrochers, MEI’s Director of Research.
Vivianne Moreau, Deputy Publisher, Éditions Saint-Martin, Martin Masse, translator, Johan Norberg and Michel Kelly-Gagnon, MEI’s President.
Michel Kelly-Gagnon presents the speaker.
Rodrigue Tremblay and Michel Kelly-Gagnon.
Michel Kelly-Gagnon, Edwin Coffey, associate researcher at the MEI, and Johan Norberg.
Informal meeting following the conference.