A Different Approach To Investment

Chris Leithner studied at McGill and Queen’s universities, the Australian National University and the University of Strathclyde. He is Managing Director of Leithner & Co. Pty. Ltd., a "private equity" company based in Brisbane, Australia. Mr. Leithner also manages the Western Pacific Leithner Value Fund. The Western Pacific Financial Group, which presently has $A1.6 billion under management, is one of the largest independent financial groups in Australia. He is cited regularly in The Australian and The Australian Financial Review.
Leithner & Co. is one of the few companies using Graham-Dodd principles of financial analysis and Austrian School principles of economic analysis. Benjamin Graham (1894-1976) is widely regarded as the founder of financial analysis. He argues that investment is most successful when investors act like businessmen and focus on a stock’s long-term value instead of short-term price variations. Austrian School economics shows how government intervention distorts prices and production and is often the source of unsustainable booms.
Leithner & Co. is one of the few companies using Graham-Dodd principles of financial analysis and Austrian School principles of economic analysis. Mr. Leithner discussed the importance of those notions for a successful long-term investment strategy. Mr. Leithner’s presentation was followed by comments from André Gosselin, Vice President of Research at Orientation Finance.
Presentation (PDF format) | Presentation (PowerPoint format)
Photos taken during the event
Chris Leithner, Managing Director of Leithner & Co. Pty. Ltd, with André Gosselin, Vice President of Research at Orientation Finance.
Michel Kelly-Gagnon, President of the MEI, with Chris Leithner and André Gosselin.
Question period.