

Would Higher Tuition Fees Restrict Access to University Studies?

In February 2004, the MEI published an Economic Note on tuition fees and their effects on access to university studies. Since then, the Quebec government announced that fees would rise cumulatively by $50 per semester from 2007 to 2012. It is still not known what policy will be adopted after 2012. To this day, Quebec tuition fees are still lower than their 1994-1995 level in real terms. This Economic Note is an update which aims to examine the university tuition fee situation in Quebec.

Links of interest

Media release: Raising university tuition fees does not reduce access

Appendix (in French only): Moyenne des droits de scolarité des étudiants canadiens inscrits à temps plein au premier cycle universitaire, Québec et provinces du Canada (en dollars courants)

Accessibilité ne rime pas avec faibles droits de scolarité : Article (in French) published in Le Devoir, June 16, 2010

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