

The Positive Impact of Harvesting the Forest

August 14, 2014

Environmentalist groups claim that harvesting the forest jeopardizes its future and harms the animal species that live there. As part of our research program on Quebec’s forests, the Vice President of the MEI, Mr. Jasmin Guénette, visited an outfitter to see how wildlife activities coexist with logging activities. This short documentary provides a realistic picture of the Quebec forest narrated by those who make their living from it.

Other short documentary: The state of Quebec’s forests (October 3, 2013)

 Links of interest

La forêt va bien selon l’IEDM (Métro Newspaper, August 14, 2014)

Le nouveau régime forestier crée de l’incertitude (Le Nouvelliste, August 14, 2014)

Un régime forestier inquiétant (Le Quotidien, August 15, 2014)

Les écolos exagèrent les problèmes (Le Quotidien, August 15, 2014)

Le nouveau régime forestier inquiète (Le Soleil, August 18, 2014)

Forêts : un discours alarmiste injustifié (The MEI’s Journal de Montréal blog, September 11, 2014)

Quand le mensonge devient un danger pour votre industrie (Les Affaires, September 13, 2014)

Don’t Believe the Alarmist Talk About Forests (The Huffington Post, September 16, 2014)

Interview (in French) with Jasmin Guénette (CHOI FM, August 13, 2014)

Interview (in French) with Jasmin Guénette (Radio-Canada, August 15, 2014)

Interview (in French) with Jasmin Guénette (Radio-Canada, August 15, 2014)

Debate (in French) with Jasmin Guénette (ARGENT business news network, August 14, 2014)
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