

For a Universal and Efficient Health Care System

December 14, 2015

Despite numerous superficial reforms and a growing budget, health care systems in Canada still do not live up to expectations. As part of the MEI’s health care research program, its Vice President, Mr. Jasmin Guénette, met with medical doctors and policy experts in order to better understand which reforms are likely to make our health care systems more efficient, without jeopardizing the universality of care.

 Links of interest

Quatre idées de l’IEDM pour la santé: 1- Le financement à l’activité pour les hôpitaux (Le Huffington Post Québec, August 15, 2015)

Quatre idées de l’IEDM pour la santé: 2- L’assurance privée duplicative (Le Huffington Post Québec, August 15, 2015)

Quatre idées de l’IEDM pour la santé: 3- Un système de santé mixte (Le Huffington Post Québec, August 15, 2015)

Quatre idées de l’IEDM pour la santé: 4- La liberté de choix des patients (Le Huffington Post Québec, August 15, 2015)

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