3-minute read
How government subsidies cause economic destruction
In his 1946 book Economics in One Lesson, Henry Hazlitt observed that “government ‘encouragement’ to business is sometimes as much to be feared as government hostility.”
5-minute read
The Lessons to Be Learned from Past Pandemics
In addition to a health crisis, the coronavirus pandemic raises concerns about an economic crisis. While several commentators draw parallels with the Spanish influenza, this MEI publication analyzes the economic lessons that should be learned from this historical episode.
3-minute read
COVID-19 : Le génie humain à l’oeuvre
Malgré la situation difficile que nous vivons tous, plusieurs initiatives et réactions de nos concitoyens et ailleurs dans le monde peuvent nous rendre fiers.
4-minute read
Nobel de la paix pour le Premier ministre éthiopien Abiy Ahmed : l’Afrique montre la voie
Ethiopia is turning to the free market economy.
5-minute read
Faire du socialisme sans le savoir
The concept of socialism deserves to be rigorously defined.
6-minute read
« Money » : à quoi sert l’argent?
Review of the book « Money » by Steve Forbes and Elizabeth Ames.
3-minute read
18 Essential Classical Liberal Thinkers
This booklet contains short write-ups on the lives and ideas of eighteen classical liberal thinkers from the past century and a half. Together, these short biographical essays tell the story of the evolution of classical liberal thought as the benefits of freedom have spread, though haltingly and unevenly, around the world. And they point the way forward to a future of greater and more widespread wealth and well-being for all.
6-minute read
Ayn Rand : défendre le capitalisme sur des bases morales
Portrait of the American novelist Ayn Rand.
11-minute read
The Miracle of Supermarkets – The Perspective of the Austrian School of Economics
Although we take supermarkets for granted, our access to such a quantity and variety of food products on demand and at any time of year is absolutely remarkable. This “miracle” is all the more impressive given that it is the result of spontaneous and voluntary collaboration between millions of people, most of whom will never meet. This paper will examine the historical evolution and the current operation of supermarkets and the numerous intermediaries that supply them, using the analytical framework of the Austrian School of Economics.
4-minute read
Lawrence H. White: Currency Competition for a Prosperous Economy
Portrait of Economist Lawrence H. White.