
Theory, History and Thinkers

Lessons from Ranking the Fiscal Performance of Quebec Premiers Since 1944

Former Premier Jacques Parizeau takes the top prize in terms of fiscal responsibility, according to this ranking of Quebec premiers since 1944 published by the MEI. The size of the Quebec government reached a historic high of 28% of GDP last year. François Legault is ranked 12th out of 14 premiers in terms of fiscal responsibility.

De l’importance de la croissance économique

Opposer des baisses d’impôts (ou toute autre forme d’allègement fiscal) à une meilleure qualité des services publics est un faux dilemme. Nous pouvons nous « payer » les deux, et encore plus.

Les vagues de chaleur, la croissance et le climat

Les vagues de chaleur sont meurtrières. Selon le GIEC, la fréquence, l’intensité et la durée de celles-ci augmentent avec le réchauffement climatique. Cependant, la mortalité qu’elles provoquent ne cesse de diminuer grâce à la croissance économique et au progrès technologique, un fait rarement évoqué lorsque le sujet est soulevé. Pourtant, ses implications sont très importantes.

Eternal Vigilance in the Age of COVID

This President’s Essay addresses the most contentious and pressing issue of our day: the COVID-19 pandemic and our response to it. Now that the pandemic seems to be subsiding, and government-imposed restrictions as well, it is a good time to look back and take a calm and measured look at some of the key issues that were raised by it.

Michael McCain is wrong about capitalism

Today’s corporate executives and owners seem willing to forsake history’s most successful social system for fear of the environmentalists, social justice warriors, and woke activists, greedy stakeholders all, now encircling them.

Le populisme est-il possible?

Le populisme est plausible si on le définit comme un régime politique où, chaque citoyen individuel se gouverne lui-même Cependant, il existe déjà avec le libéralisme classique.

Is Populism Possible?

Populism seems to have gained some ground in recent years. Yet many economists and political scientists argue that there is no such thing as “the people” except as a collection of distinct individuals, with their own preferences and values. In this publication, author Pierre Lemieux shows that this reasoning has important practical implications for democracy.

Liberty Is a Prerequisite of The Good Life

If we want to sell people on our ideas, we must sell them on classical liberalism as a philosophical tradition that rests on some genuinely valuable ethical foundations, and not just on a narrow or caricatured vision of economic growth. Hence the impetus of this essay.

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