5-minute read
Les patients canadiens devraient avoir accès au même choix que les patients européens
La couverture publique des soins transfrontaliers permettrait au Canada de mieux répondre aux besoins des patients et d’avoir des systèmes de santé plus efficaces.
IEDM – Décret d’urgence: Huit emplois perdus par caribou protégé par Ottawa – Renaud Brossard
September 17, 2024 | 9 min. 12 sec. | Midi Pile (KYK Radio) Interview (in French) with Renaud Brossard, Vice President, Communications […]
IEDM – Un minimum de 1990 emplois en péril avec le plan du fédéral – Renaud Brossard
September 17, 2024 | 11 min. 44 sec. | Le show du matin (KYK Radio) Interview (in French) with Renaud Brossard, Vice […]
5-minute read
L’énergie au Québec: vers une nécessaire réforme
On a beau avoir changé de ministre de l’Énergie, l’urgence qui a mené à l’écriture du projet de loi 69 demeure, et le Québec s’en porterait mieux s’il était adopté.
5-minute read
Protect the Caribou without Bankrupting Our Rural Regions
The federal government’s decree seeking to protect certain woodland caribou herds would result in the loss of at least 1,990 jobs in Quebec’s rural regions, according to this Viewpoint published by the MEI. “If the federal government goes ahead with its decree, it will cause the loss of a minimum of 1,990 jobs, and with no guarantee that the caribou will be saved,” warns Gabriel Giguère, senior public policy analyst at the MEI and author of the study.
IEDM – CAQ: Il n’y a pas eu tant de changement que ça au niveau de l’appareil québécois – Renaud Brossard
September 13, 2024 | 7 min. 42 sec. | Mario Dumont (QUB Radio) Interview (in French) with Renaud Brossard, Vice President, Communications […]
IEDM – Les soins transfrontaliers: une solution aux délais médicaux? – Emmanuelle B. Faubert
September 13, 2024 | 12 min. 33 sec. | La croisée (ICI Radio-Canada) Interview (in French) with Emmanuelle B. Faubert, Economist with […]
12-minute read
Can Cross-Border Healthcare Be the Safety Valve for Waiting Lists in Canada?
Allowing Canadian patients to get reimbursed from the government for care received outside the country – just like Europeans do – would help reduce waiting times, according to this Economic Note published jointly by the Montreal Economic Institute and SecondStreet.org.
3-minute read
Involvement of non-governmental health operators could boost access to health care in Alberta, if done properly, says MEI researcher
Calgary, September 3, 2024 – If properly executed, the Smith government’s plans to have management of some hospitals transferred to independent operators could help improve access to health care, according to a researcher at the Montreal Economic Institute.
5-minute read
Mortgage renewals: the latest regulatory burden
A new interpretation of Quebec’s Notarial Act would almost double the cost of a mortgage transfer in the province, according to this MEI study. “With its new interpretation of the Act, the Chambre des notaires has monopolized the preparation of legal forms for mortgage transfers,” states Gabriel Giguère, senior policy analyst at the MEI and author of the study.